Miyerkules, Disyembre 11, 2013

Passion and Patience Together

First of all, I wanna share my Robotics experience when I was in grade school. Visitors from DOST went to our school and conducted a science fair. Luckily, I experienced the Robotics station there. Yes, it's not my first time to program a robot, to touch a NXT brick, have fun with Lego pieces, and manipulate the Lego Programming software. Scenarios given to us is very easy, of course. We're just 5th grade students, and what we just need to program with the robot is to move forward, turn left, move forward, turn, something like that. It's very easy, that's why I really enjoyed that Robotics experience.

The Robotics as part of the RSHS curriculum  really added excitement to myself in entering here at CavSci. Honestly, when I was an incoming freshman, my goal for this subjectso ama is to excel. I'm zed when my sister told me 'bout that ChocoTronix thingy, my eyes shined and I felt like very excited.

This is it. It's 3rd grading period now, and we're going to tackle about electronics and of course, the shining, shimmering word, (drum roll) ROBOTICS! December 5, 2013 - our teacher gave us the very first task to be accomplished - and that's to program a robot. A robot with very complicated features and requirements.
It's very hard. I attempted to narrate my program that's in my mind on a piece of paper. Lined up, confused, assured that it will be rejected again, thinking what will I gonna do next. And boom - "Mali na agad." -Ma'am Jennylou said. I sat down and then revised my program. My brain's gonna burst that time. I don't know what to do. Feeling like you know that ALL the said requirements are written on your program, thinking it's correct, thinking that nothing is possible already to be done by the robot. But no, my teacher's mind is super-duper-ultra-mega-awesome. She all knows every single info that the robot should do, and she know every detail that your program must contain. I CANNOT.

I just remembered Einstein's inspiring and motivational quote, "I think and think for months and years. Ninety-nine times, the conclusion is false. The hundredth time I am right", this talks about PATIENCE. What I learned here in Robot programming is patience. I need to try and try, like what I did - I had so many attempts to get the correct program, but then I'm always wrong. In fact, I only got 8/15 in the final output. Yes, I failed. But I know that in some time, I will be a great programmer; my dream and aspiration when I was young, to invent robots that can really help people. I believe what pushes me here in this hard, difficult and though programming is PASSION. If I do not have that word in myself, I think I will not go all through this.  I'm here, standing, facing the difficulty and demands to accomplish a great robot. 

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